Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome to my Dream. I used to be one of those people that sat in front of the computer researching dream vacations and doing nothing about it. Then one day I started a blog called Dream Travel Magazine sharing some of my cheapie vacation pics and hotel reviews with my Mom and handful of friends.

Eventually as with most blogs there comes a point when you realize that your mom and your friends are not the only ones reading it. Then you want to find out how to get more people to read it and you realize you know nothing about the business of blogger.

It was a travel blogging conference called TBEX which changed my life completely. I realized that not only did other people like what I was writing, but travel brands also liked what I was doing. I was invited to attend media trips and realized this is what I really want to be doing. Travelling and sharing my stories with the masses.

The site took on a whole new look, I stopped dreaming about exotic and far away placed and started to discover the places close to home and all the cool new experiences I could find right in my own province Ontario.

This blogger site is a Mini version of Dream Travel Magazine, if you'd like to learn more about my journey from blogger hobbiest to full-time blogger professional I invite you to read some of my posts from My Travel Blogging Life. There I share some of my tips which bloggers starting out may be interested in.

I love hearing from you and hope you enjoy following my travel dreams and hope that it inspires you to get out and discover your own dreams.